Aimee-Raisin Kids


Since Mary had puppies, 
Aimee decided that she had 
to have some too!!  
What a copy cat!!

Aimee's puppies were born on 
January 8, 2000, which just 
happens to be Dad's birthday!
Dad always did like Aimee best!

(Don't tell Dad, but that is really Elvis Presley's birthday!)

Aimee's Kids    8 Weeks Old

Weighing in at a whopping 5.6 ounces at birth, this is Aimee's big boy, Sam, who now weighs 2 pounds 1.3 ounces. Weighing in at 4.6 ounces at birth, this is Aimee's only girl who now weighs 1 pound 13.6 ounces.  She is so cute!


This is Aimee's smallest boy.  Mom calls him "Radar".  He weighed 4.6 ounces at birth also.  He now weighs in at a whopping 1 pound 11.7 ounces.  
(Don't tell anyone, but...........he is mom's favorite puppy in this litter!!!)



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Revised: 07/25/12 03:32:42 PM