Foxstone Maltese
Grooming Room

Mom's rooms are both a very pretty shade of lavender
(very similar to the background color on this page),
 but it is not showing up well in the pictures below.

Looking into the grooming room from the entrance.
This is the entrance into the grooming room and the
picture wall, next to the entrance. 
The entrance to the dog room is on the left.
Mom searched and searched for this material
for her curtains so they would match her room.
Here is the grooming room work area.
Here is another view of the work area.
One of mom's favorite grooming organizers is this carousel
that she decorated with pictures of all of us Maltese.
This is another organizer mom decorated to match the
rest of the grooming room.

This is the grooming room gate......Mom actually thinks she's
going to keep us in here.............when she's not..........with that gate................yeah right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!