Hi....my name is Misty.  Here I am with my 9 weeks old boy, "Lucci". I have brought my boys out for their first trip outside and needless to say, they are loving it......so many things to investigate and get into........  



  Here is "Little Girl" our resident "nanny" with "Lucci" (giving Little Girl a kiss) and "Voyager" (getting ready to attack)  



  Here are Voyager (in front) and Lucci going 200 miles an hour for a huge trip around the front yard......................they had soooo much fun!!!!!  



New Treasure!!!!!!......Dads hat...........let's kill it.................




Here is Lucci.  In the picture on the right he has a new found treasure.....we won't tell him that it is just a piece of grass................


Here is mom's favorite boy, "Voyager", going his usual 200 miles an hour.

Sire:  Ta-Jon's Bare Necessities ROM (Teddy)
Dam:  Foxstone's Among Sweet Mystery (Misty)


Copyright © 1998-2012 by Foxstone Maltese.
All rights reserved.  Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.
Exception:  You may use my pictures/articles/Maltese dog graphics and backgrounds
with written permission from  Sharon Pearson/Foxstone Maltese
and at a cost of $10,000.00 per picture/article/graphic/background.

See Copyright Statement

Revised: 07/25/12 04:10:10 PM