Mom's Office

This is a picture of mom's office (Decorated with the same shades of Lavenders and Purples as the other two rooms) where she does all of her computer actually builds websites for some of her friends and she is also the Town Clerk for a little town close to Eads.  You can also see part of the special bed she had made for all of us for when she is in there.

Mom likes it because she can see into the dog room through the window.....don't understand why.....where ever Mom is.....we all are there too..............hehehe

This is another view of Mom's office.  You can see her nick-nack shelf with all her "other" dog stuff on it....can you believe that she does not have one Maltese on there??  She always says that she loves all dogs and that shelf is dedicated to them.....


Here is the only thing in Mom's office that is Maltese related....other than all of us, of course.  It is a Maltese planter that Aunty Nan found many years ago...(way before all of us Maltese were here) an antique store.

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with written permission from  Sharon Pearson/Foxstone Maltese
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Revised: 07/25/12 04:20:52 PM