Stolen Maltese dog Pictures from personal websites are being used in puppy selling schemes on puppy selling websites such as, as well as websites such as ""  and "", as well a personal puppy selling websites, allowing fraudulent and misrepresentative ads placed to scam the general public. 

Stolen Pictures from personal websites are being used in puppy selling schemes on puppy selling websites such as

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UPDATED 2-2-2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The website, as well as it's mirror site, is using many stolen pictures from various dog related websites without permission.  Below are "some" of the pictures that were stolen.  Even though we (owners of the stolen pictures) repeatedly asked that our pictures be removed.........our wishes are being ignored and, in fact, a couple of us have even been threatened.

The first picture they say is their stud dog Snoopy or Bear when, in actuality, this dog's name is Teddy who is a "neutered" beloved pet that I sold several years ago.  His picture can be seen on my Extended Family page and then click on the "Lucci, Teddy, and Charlie" link on the left hand side.  This is copyright infringement.
 Maltese Puppies / puppy available for pets  

This picture is being used on the mirror site of which is  The actual link to this page has, for the time being, been severed, however, the page is still available at

The picture actually is the headline picture on my "Available Puppies" page.  The puppy on the left, "Peanut", can be found throughout my website and the puppy on the right, who I called Elvira was in my first Charm and Cruiser litter.



This picture which is being used on both and, in actuality; belongs to Chrisman Maltese
The three pictures above have been stolen from TaLin Maltese and are being used on the  website without permission.  On the mirror site she has the below pictures although she has currently removed the link to them.  All of the TaLin Maltese pictures have a red frame around them.

ALL of these cute framed pictures of puppies (above) that are portrayed as being "We LV PETS" puppies on their Maltese Mom's and Baby's page, actually belong to Cogin's Maltese and are being used without permission..............yet another case of copyright infringement.


On their "How they are born" page ALL of the pictures actually come from and can be seen in the whelping section of that website at .........again........without permission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL of the poodle pictures on the welvpets mini teacup poodle page actually came from a Polish Poodle website which can be seen by clicking here.

Some of the Yorkie pictures on their Yorkie page actually can be found in their original context at .  These are all being used without permission.  The owner of the pictures actually thought she had safeguarded her pictures against being stolen by implementing "No Right Click".

I am sure you can get the picture here of what is going on !!!!! (pun intended)
These are all cases of copyright infringement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to wonder WHY they are using other people's pictures, instead of their own, especially with all of the current puppy selling scams on the internet.
Do they really have puppies for sell???????


Free Classifieds

Gorgous foxstone maltese puppies for Valentine

Item ID#: 1103142 Seller Area: CA Views: 148
Seller ID#: 443540  Item Location: -- Expires: 52 days
Price: $300 Available To: -- About Me!
 Report Classified
 More like this
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Weighing in at a whopping 5.6 ounces at birth, this is our big boy, Sam, who now weighs 2 pounds 1.3 ounces. Contact [please email replies to this ad by using the response form below] for more pictures and detailed information about the available puppies left.
Pet Classifieds

Gorgous foxstone maltese puppies for Valentine

Category: Maltese
Pet ID: #11103142
Advertiser ID: #443540
Ad Expiry: 52 days
Price/Adoption Fee: $300
Location: San Francisco, California
Pet Name: Sam
Date of Birth: Jul 9, 2007
Gender: Male
Registry: AKC
Ad Views: 149
Weighing in at a whopping 5.6 ounces at birth, this is our big boy, Sam, who now weighs 2 pounds 1.3 ounces. Contact for more pictures and detailed information about the available puppies left.


Please be informed and do not be taken in by these or any other puppy selling scams.
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!!!!

The internet has brought in a whole new way for people to purchase puppies and other goods.  It has made those hard to find objects much easier to find with just the push of a key or by simply entering a word into a search engine.  It also makes "Buyers Beware" an even more important term than ever before with all of the new puppy buying and selling schemes.

Ads such as the ones below are rampant on many puppy selling sites.  These are/were the actual ads that used my pictures that were found on

PLEASE NOTE:  The below ads are not puppies that I have for sale but are actual ads found on using stolen pictures from this website of my previous puppies.


More info...
Tuna (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: Female
Age: 9 weeks
Price: $1250 USD (shipping included!)

Note:  (3-20-2006) Now the seller is Desmond instead of Stephanie

More info...
Tuna More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: Female
Age: 11 weeks
Price: $350 USD (shipping included!)

NOTE:  The above picture is actually a picture of my DeeDee/Keeper boy at 10 weeks old and can be seen on their puppy page on this website at and click on the 10 Weeks Old button on the left or Click here to see actual picture

UPDATE:  The stolen picture was finally taken down after two weeks of emails and making complaints to other sources.


More info... Basky (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: Female
Age: 15 weeks
Price: $522 USD

Note:  The above picture is actually Cruiser (Ch. Foxstone's Cruiser Dreams) pictured at 8 months old.  He can been seen through out my website.  Amazingly..the ad above disappeared shortly after this page went online

Group Pics 3 (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: N/A
Age: Unborn
Price: $0 USD

NOTE:  the above picture and the two following pictures can be seen in their original form at
These pictures were taken down finally after I sent this page online


Group Pics 2 (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: N/A
Age: Unborn
Price: $0 USD
Group Pics (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: N/A
Age: Unborn
Price: $0 USD
Cece (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: Male
Age: 13 weeks
Price: $450 USD - shipping included!

Note:  The picture above and below can be seen at then click on the 8 1/2 Weeks Old button.  These pictures were eventually taken down from the website.

Telly (homeless) More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: Female
Age: 13 weeks
Price: $450 USD - shipping included!

More info...
Beckam More info
Breed: Maltese
Sex: Female
Age: 12 weeks
Price: $800 USD (shipping included!)

Note:  The picture above can be seen at then click on the 7 Weeks Old button on the left.  The above picture has finally been taken down.

What you may not realize is that all of the pictures used in the ads above were "borrowed" (stolen) without permission from this very website.  There are countless other ads that use "borrowed" (stolen) photographs from many other websites.  Sad to say, "borrowing" (stealing) other people's photographs from websites is very common to those with the puppy selling schemes. 

There is a very interesting website that concerns and the many puppy sellers on the site which can be seen at .  Anyone searching for a puppy on the internet should read this website first.

Other articles concerning;

When I contacted one of the "sellers", telling them to take my picture out of their ad, I received the following response, spelling errors, bad grammar  and all:

From: Jennifer Berkeley []
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: - Regarding Basky
compliment of the season,My pet babies have been all adopted by one mrs jennifer sunter from los angeles california, hopefully i will be having a new litter by march or april this year,but i can refer you to one of my customer that just got posted to west africa by his company here in united state(chevron)he asked me to put two adorable pet babies he got from me before he was posted for adoption,the baby pet are both 3 months old and are akc registered, send him an email immediately to him concerning adopting the pets,tell him the breeder he asked to put the baby out for adoption refered you to him,already the lovely babies are already with him,send to Pastor Mike and his email address is: i think this could be the best way to get him direct.
remember to contact me as soon as you get the puppies

This was obviously one of the "Nigerian" puppy selling/buying internet scams that we have heard so much about recently.


In Conclusion.......Please beware of websites claiming to be selling puppies with "borrowed" pictures from other dog breeders websites.  These tactics are often used to insinuate/misrepresent the general puppy buying public that the pictures are actual pictures of their dogs!!!!



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