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I have been asked about
"teacup/tea cup/Tcup/T-cup" Maltese more times than I can count.
I would like to set the record straight.
There is no such animal!!!!
The term "teacup/tea
cup/Tcup/T-cup anything" has
become a sales ploy to charge more money. …That’s the simple truth.
The Maltese is a "toy dog". They are small already. Our
American Maltese breed standard states "Seven(7) pounds and under, with
four(4) to six(6) pounds preferred". I guarantee that the lower end
of the weight scale Maltese is quite tiny. |
There are people who even breed these
"tiny" Maltese (which in all rights should be someone’s lap
warmer) hoping to produce more tiny Maltese so that they can sell them
as "teacup/tea cup/tcup/t-cup" size and charge lots of money for them. This, in my
opinion, as well as many others’ opinions, is unethical and wrong. My
heart goes out to the poor little dogs being used in this manner!!!! |
On many occasions I have heard of a
"teacup/tea cup/tcup/t-cup Maltese" being eight or nine pounds and even larger, which is above our
national weight standard according to the AKC Maltese standard. Just another con using a glitzy sales term to sale a
dog. This is sooo sad! |
There are so many terms to try to dupe
the unsuspecting public into putting out money. Teacup/tea cup/tcup/t-cup, Micro-Teacup,
Micro-Mini, Toy are just a few terms to sell non-standard
representatives of the breed to the unsuspecting general public. |
There are also all the "poo" dogs....malti-poo,
cock-a-poo, the "ese" and "tese" dogs such as the York-tese, etc, and
let us not forget any of the other cutesy names, such as "Morkie" and "TeddyBear puppies", that
they can come up with to basically sell the unsuspecting public a "mixed"
breed dog. I have even heard of some people who actually went so
far as to claim to put a "patent" on their cutesy name and
build their own make believe registry, as if that is going to
make it more than a mixed breed dog. There is a big market going
on right now for what some people call "designer" dogs which, again, is nothing
more than a mixed breed dog/puppy but with the "designer" tag on them
sell for large amounts of money because the general public thinks they
are getting something special and rare. Not meaning to be rude, but if you
are willing to accept one of these mixed breed dogs as your loving pet
why not go to rescue and save a precious life instead of paying these
absurd prices for someone's glitzy and cutesy named, new homemade
"designer" dog. Please be aware that many of these so
called "designer" breeds are being sold for as much and many times more
than a reputably bred, purebred dog. |
Don’t fall prey to a
sales ploy!!! Be informed!!!
There is no such thing as
"teacup/tea cup/Tcup/T-cup/micro/micro-mini/etc. Maltese"!!
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07/25/12 08:42:54 PM |